The Latest Thinking on Neanderthal Thinking

Gini Graham Scott PhD

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Changemakers Publishing
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The Latest Thinking about Neanderthal Thinking features an overview of the findings about Neanderthals and their thinking, based on this new research. As this research indicates, the Neanderthals are a lot smarter than we have given them credit for in the past. Also, this new research shows that we do have the technology to bring them back by using the DNA from the bones of many Neanderthal skeletons along with cloning and gene editing techniques. Scientists are already working on bringing back extinct species of animals, so the technology is there or almost there for bringing back early humans.

      The book begins with an overview of who the Neanderthals were, the technology for bringing them back, and what might happen if they do return, drawn from the introduction of The Return of the Neanderthals. The following chapters focus on what we have recently learned about Neanderthals, based on the findings of scientists from different disciplines, including paleoanthropology, genetics, neuroscience, and anatomy.


GINI GRAHAM SCOTT, Ph.D., J.D., is a nationally known writer, consultant, speaker, and seminar leader, specializing in business and work relationships, professional and personal development, social trends, popular culture, science, and crime. She has published over 50 books with major publishers. She is the founder of Changemakers Publishing, featuring 150+ books on work, business, psychology, self-help, and social trends. She has worked with dozens of clients on self-help, business books, memoirs, and film scripts.